​We offer services to individuals who are self-employed or performing work without a formed business, traditional and series LLCs, Incorporations, Corporations (S-Corps & C-Corps), Non-Profits, and more! We have experience forming and managing businesses in multiple states throughout the U.S.
New Business Formation
Do you need to start your business? Do you have business organization questions that have you stumped? We can help, so you can relax and start the business you've always wanted! We will help you prepare all of the documents you need including (but not limited too) Articles of Organization or Incorporation, Operating Agreements, Name Reservation, Trademark Services, EIN Registration and Verification, Initial Business Privilege Tax filing (where applicable), and so much more! We have the experience and expertise to get you on the right track.
Human Resources & Payroll Services
Human Resources are often a part of a small business you don't realize you need until it's too late! Let us help you navigate through all the employment laws, benefits questions, and Government regulations! In addition, we offer payroll services through QuickBooks online! Whether you have 1 employee or 100, let us get you set up for fast payroll processing today! We are proudly an active member of Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) and the North Alabama Society for Human Resource Management (NASHRM). At ARBC, we partner with other reputable agencies and organizations to help you find your solution. If we can't help you, we will do our best to lead you in the right direction to find the answer you need.
QuickBooks Services
We offer a wide variety of QuickBooks Services. With over 12 years of experience managing QuickBooks accounts for small businesses, we've seen it all! Some of the expertise we offer are monthly transaction entry, reconciling accounts, journal entries, inventory, payroll, taxes (payroll and employer set up using QuickBooks services), report generating and monitoring, etc. If you just need a simple answer to a question or you need complete QuickBooks service, we can offer solutions that help your business thrive!
Small Business Tax Preparation
Often times the hardest part about filing taxes is getting everything together. Whether you have a stack of papers to go through or a year's worth of business receipts, let us get it organized so we can get you on the right track. Well-versed in multiple tax areas, we can help with individuals, partnerships, LLC/S-corp, and others! Getting organized is your best bet to maximize your tax deductions, expenses, and refunds!​
Registered Agent Service
A registered agent is someone who is an agent of a business, any type, that has to be located in the state in which the business is formed. Often, it's an agency that provides this service to protect the business personnel information from being released to the public. At ARBC we are happy to add this service free of charge to any other purchased services and to all of our customers! We also offer it as a stand-alone service and will even file all the paperwork with the Secretary of State (Alabama only at this time).
Notary Service
Do you need a Notary? Let us meet you where you need! Notary services are included for our clients upon signing a service agreement; however, we know that often all you need is a quick stamp from a notary so that's why we also offer this service as a single service. We will come to you or meet at the appropriate place, contact us to see if we service your area!
Ongoing Management Support
After starting a business, you often get letters in the mail or phone calls from people trying to offer products or services. Through years of experience, we have a good recognition of the actionable items and those "scams". Once you retain ARBC as a business consultant, you will have access to contact us directly for ongoing support, guidance, and clarification. This service is more valuable than one would think because it's offering a personal concierge to your business questions.
Marketing, Branding,
& Community Exposure
Creating a brand is overwhelming. Getting new customers or followers can be tough. At ARBC, we have the secret to your success. Using our resources and collective skills, we offer guidance, support, and management to create your logo, brand, webpage, or whatever you have in mind. We have a team that is ready to take on your project. From start to execution, our goal is to help you grow!